Sunday, September 1, 2013

Week of August 25th 2013

We have had a wonderful Sunday. We ended up going to Farmington and visited with Sue and boys and then went over to Rob & Emily's new home. They had already done a lot to get settled into their new place. It is so good to know they are finally settled in their own home. Here are some pictures:

Jetta's new room
 Scott's new room. They are upstairs.
 Jetta was so proud of her little shoes all lined up in her closet.
 All their pictures on the mantle
 Marri's room - She got Rob & Emily's bed and they got a new one. That makes her room the guest bedroom because she can sleep in the bunk bet in Sophie's room. That always good to know!
 Sophie's room - I didn't get a picture of Cecily's room and she has the most unique room of all. She shares her bedroom with the storage room, or the other way around. But she have her own room!

Yesterday we found out that you can get a National Park Pass in Logan. We always thought we needed to get it at a National Park. Now we are set.  They are $10 each. I didn't have to get one, but she said if ever we go with grandkids and I'm in a another car, I can use it and everyone in the car gets in free. This is about the best senior discount we have come across. So it is for life and is good to any National Park. We are ready to go somewhere!
We drove up to Richmond to get the taco meat for Earley Park and came home. I continued working on the library and helping to edit Dad's book about Grandpa. I can't wait for it to be done so everyone can read it. I have learned so much about him and the relationship between him and Grandma.
Our cards

Normal day - I love my early morning study and we have been going to exercise class in Tremonton after that. I'll sneak a camera this next week and take a picture of Dad doing Yoga. I hate to admit it, but he is better at it than I am.  We are both enjoying the class and then we do the bike and treadmill after.
Came home and did more on the library and book. 

This ended up being such a good day. It was one of those days when everything just worked out right. We helped Colleen do a few pears before exercising and we were still in town when Cierra needed a ride home so we could do that. Got more done in the library, went to therapy FOR THE LAST TIME (see picture later on) and then we decided to go to the temple. It was a great day.

I am done for now. If there is time we will organize all the books, but at least we can get to them now. 
If feels good to have it this far. I went out with the Sister Missionaries tonight on splits. It was really cool to go with one of them. The other one was at the hospital with her appendix taken out that day. 

We spent the day making food for Earley Park and packing. We got up there just after 4:30. We took lots of pictures for those who were there and not there. On the way up Noelle said Earley Park is her favorite place to go to. I think I agree with her. I took one craft to do up there and we never got to it.  There is too much to explore, too much to visit about, and too many games to play. 
Mallory placing cards on the family tree game.
 Ellen took a picture of us in our 'Therapy graduation shirts.'  On the back of mine it says, "Grin and Bear it" 
 Mallory, Mike, and Noelle running through the sprinklers while waiting for cousins to arrive.

 One by one, the family's start to come. We had a potato bar and garlic bread for dinner. 
We had Chris, Marion, Rob, Val (Ryan had to work), David and their family's with Ellen and MIke and us. It was so much fun. Caleb, Isaac, John, Spencer, Ellen, and Mike
 Mike is a hungry college student.
 Kaden just loves cousin John, but he also discovered some cousins his own age this time.

Spencer is not quite taller, but maybe not much longer. 
 Time for apple crisp
 Always a game was being played. Dust in green shirt, Cecily, Mallory, Jared, and Jeffrey
 We have cheerleaders among us! Marri, Steven, Noelle, and Sophie

 Kaden and his new found cousin, Robert

 Marion, Spencer, Mike, John, Emily, & Rob
 Jeanetta loved her bed.
 Matthew joins them.

 The cabin is such a fun place to play. It is like magic as it draws everyone there. 
Sophi, Marri, and Mike
 Steven, Noelle, and Spencer
 Emily came with toothbrushes!
 Josh & Cierra had been to a cross country meet and football game, so they were a bit late.
 "Meadow Crashing" where you just drop and sleep with not tent. Emily and Mike were the supervisors. And to think, Emily & Rob could have slept in their new King Size Bed, but gave it up to bring their kids to be with cousins. What we parents do for our kids. 

Breakfast with hot chocolate, pancakes, and cereal. Val's dad works at Malt o Meal, so we got the benefit!

I loved sitting outside after breakfast and we just visited and visited. Of course, when I remembered about pictures, we had to pose for them. Just look at the great discussion Rob and Ellen are having while I am snuggling with Jetta.
 David and Dad - topics covered: silver going to go low and then go way high, Syria, Common Core in the schools and where it may lead, Running on the balls of your feet and not heels. Marion had read, "Run for Your Life" and it really sounded good.  I imagine we talked about a lot more, but can't remember it all. I love the times when we can talk together. They are too few and far between. 

Late on we had an "Investigator" group of boys that were discovering the whole park. Isaac came to tell his dad all about it.
 I'm not going to label each picture, but there was, off and on, Scott, Isaac, Caleb, Jeffrey, Dusty & Robert
Discover the secrets in the creek!
 Dusty showing me what happens to a leaf left in the water.
 The amazing things that can be discovered in the grass.
 Children help you to see the world. Just look at that tree trunk.
 Up the hill ...

 to a new, secret hideout.

Husking Corn for lunch. Issac, Caleb, Scott, Kaden, Dusty

Suzie. Alaina, and Jetta having fun in the tent.
 French bread pizza
corn on the cob 
 and taco salad for lunch.
 After lunch, Rob and his family had to leave to go home. They did still have a lot to do to get settled in and we were just happy to have them for as long as we did.
 Suzie and Alaina with Matthew
 More cabin fun
 There will be a story about this stump at Christmas time.
 Alaina and her prize sticks. Earley Park is like having nature all to yourself to love and explore.
 New found friends Suzie and Alaina. Jetta had gone home.
After the cross county meet, marching/pep band at the football game, and staying up VERY late, and going to 4 hours of play practice, Josh is tired out. 

 Mike helping Val load the van. We missed Ryan, but was so glad to have the rest of the family.
 If dirt shows what a good time we had, Caleb's face tells all!
 Zander is just too cute!

 Alaina's rock to go with her sticks.
 Some good reading time for Ellen.
 If tiredness shows how much fun we had, this is on the way home from Earley Park in our back seat:
Noelle, Josh, and Mallory - It tells it all

It has been a wonderful week. I love Earley Park. It holds many good memories for our family. 
We need good memories and we need strengthened relationships to give the support we need in life.

1828 Webster's Dictionary Word for the Week:

Reception- “The act of receiving; Admission of entrance for holding or containing, as a sheath fitted for the reception of a sword, a channel for the reception of water;” (3rd Nephi 27:20 “Repent, all ye ends of the earth, and come unto me and be baptized in my name, that ye may be sanctified by the reception of the Holy Ghost”)
I really liked the 'sheath fitted for the reception of a sword.' A sheath is made just right to fit the sword. 
We too are created or 'made' to receive the Holy Ghost. 
The Holy Ghost is from our Creator who loves us.
Would love to hear your thoughts on this.

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