Wednesday, April 20, 2016

New Hampshire & NY Trip

1. We flew into Boston on Tuesday afternoon, caught the bus, and then Joe & 
family came and picked us up 8 min. from their house at the bus station.
This was Tesha at the beginning of the trip.

2. It was fun to do home school and activities with the kids and nice long
visits with Joe and Tesha. The kids loved to do the pens.

3. Tesha had a lot of labor pains on and off for several days.
Finally on Friday late afternoon they went to the hospital and
little Catharine Ellen was born at 7:46 (or so).
Saturday we went to the hospital. The kids were so excited
and they were so tender with her, and Tesha looked so good:)

Inspection of her little foot.

4. Zach and Catharine

5. Leah and Catharine. It was really great to get to know her.
We don't have any 2 year olds right now. She is surely at
the "I can do it" stage, and she does. 

6. Ben and Grandpa

7. We stopped at a chocolate factory on the way home.

8. Tummy time for Catharine. Tesha guards her and the kids enjoy her.

9. We went on a celebration date to the Bakery.
What is their favorite thing? Potato logs with ketchup.
Grandpa did buy some donuts and they were great!

10. Catharine Ellen and more family pictures

11. loves math. I usually didn't show him how to do it. I asked him to tell
me how he came up with the answer. It was amazing to hear his reasoning.

12. So cute of Zach and Catharine

13. We went out to eat at the local pizza place. It's the best I've ever had.
These are the "garlic knots." I'm going to try making them.

14. We went to a museum in Dover. It was very interesting.
Dover  is one of the oldest continuously settled towns
in America. I think either 5th or 7th. It had a very old feel to it. 

15. Zach grinding corn

16. Dad by a cannon used in Gettysburg to stop Pickets charge.
The only complete one with a caisson (on the back) remaining.

17. Happy Birthday Dad with Grandma Jensen's Lemon cake. 

18. Our trip to New York was absolutely wonderful. It was so good
to see so many people. It was a whirlwind trip. We rented a car for
the weekend and left at 6:00 in the morning on Friday and got home 
about midnight on Saturday. We didn't take many pictures, but here are a few:
With Henny

19. Our old apartment and our landlords, Dick and Bobsie.

20. ReeAnn Galligher and girls. There is story in the Grandparent's story
book that tells of her. She got baptized about 5 months after we left.
It was so wonderful to see them and we had such a good visit. 
She thanked us so much, and she said joining the church was
the best decision she has ever made.

21. We blessed the baby the next morning at church. Aunt Cathy's daughter
Catharine lives in Vermont and she an her husband and two
youngest came over. It was so good to see her.

22. Monday afternoon we went to the beach. It was very beautiful.
They had plenty of rocky and then sandy (unless you compare it to CA beaches).
It was only 20 minutes from where they live.

23. (This picture was actually from Sunday)
Finding worms to catch and feed to the chickens. I remember when
you boys did the same thing. Whatever Ben and Zach does, Leah
joins them. She has no fear of anything, which makes the slippery slide 
an exciting time.

We had a wonderful time with Joseph and Tesha and the kids.
They are doing so well, yet there are times of homesickness. 
I think they will be glad to move back to the west in two years when he is done.
I have always learned from my children and grandchildren. One night when we
were having FHE talking about faith, Ben said this:
"Faith is like not being scared to follow Jesus."
Wisdom from the young, for sometimes it is hard or scary to follow
Jesus Christ, yet faith is the answer. I love you all.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Kaden's Baptism, Family Life, More Pillowcases, April 2016

1. Babysitting for Tom and Mel
I had a lot of fun doing homework with the kids.
Cam needed to make a Leprechaun trap. She's very creative

2. Making French Bread with Taylor
 3. Cub Scouts with Max

4. We went with Chris's family to have their family pictures taken
by our neighbor, Jennifer Jacobson, who does such a good job.

 5. Singing around the piano
6. We celebrated Kaden's birthday and Ryan gave a lesson on baptism.

7.Skits of course.

8. We had a great time at the BRH Jazz Band Dinner Dance.
It's a lot more fun than being in the kitchen doing the dinner.
Josh front and center and Wade Walton leading.
9. Saturday was Kaden's baptism. He was so thrilled.
It was a wonderful day.

10. Daniel and Ellen came over after to spend the afternoon and
do laundry. Daniel was outside, so Mallory helped Ellen get her shoe on.

11. Daniel and Caleb are putting some good soil over the part
we dug up trying to find the septic tank last year.

12. Then Dad introduced Daniel to "Thumper" to dig post holes.
I didn't get a picture, but then Daniel rototilled the whole garden.
My goodness, no wonder he is my favorite son-in-law:)

 13.We went to Evanston and took Emily & Mike so he could go to
school with David and observe him.
I finally got pillow cases made with them. That's everyone!
Robert in the front, Matthew and Alaina.
14. Grandpa holding the twins, Jacoby and Eric.

We have been handing out and sending Daddy's History. It has
been wonderful. I didn't take pictures the day I took it to my first
cousin, Joan Capener Kimbal. I had Jared and Isaac with me, so they got
to meet her. We had such a wonderful time visiting, and the boys, Dad, and Sue
were playing ping-pong downstairs. 
After we were done, she gave me some money to take everyone
out to lunch. We went to Chick-fil-a of course and Spencer was there.
Too bad I didn't get any pictures.

15. Saturday while waiting for Mar to come and get the boys, Josh
and Spencer were comparing phones. I think they can do everything
but call on them. 

Conference left me with such a wonderful feeling.
After spending 4 days in the temple last week - I have such a strong
strong testimony of the covenants, ordinances, and power that comes
through them and the peace of the Temple. Truly we come to know Him there.
Elder Marcus B. Nash wrote an article in December 2015 Ensign called,
"The New and Everlasting Covenant." It is so good.
The love that was felt during Pres. Uchdorf's closing talk is so good.
Take time to listen, think, and feel. I love you all.