Saturday, June 15, 2013

Week of June 9, 2013

Sunday - Happy Birthday, Tesha

It was Stake Conference today. I had been working a little each morning on my talk. I had to keep cutting it down so I wouldn't take more than 15 min. It really made me think about Family History and how it is such a big part of the Plan of Salvation. We do Family History because Heavenly Father loves ALL of His children no matter when they lived. Living in this dispensation of fullness, it is up to us keep the promises we made to do temple work for our ancestors. It is a miracle the way we find names today.

Mike wanted to make cookies and he served them on the serving plate Nikki gave to me.

Ellen's mission companion, DaLynn Hsiao, came to get Ellen and took her for a few days to Provo. 

Joe & family came by. Little children do not have a short attention span when they are doing something they are interested in. Zach and Ben played with the marble works for well over an hour.

I finally got around to thinning the beets, so Dad and I washed, blanched, and froze them. We had some for lunch and thyt were sooooo good. I'm sure they will heal our bones.

I took Dad to his first physical therapy appointment. I couldn't stay and watch. It brings back too many memories. This is not a joke but the truth: "The difference between a terrorist and a therapist is you can negotiate with a terrorist. It's true - no pictures.

I thinned the 2nd row of beets. Colleen had to take Josh to piano and Cierra and Noelle were at YW camp. Yea! I had help. They helped do some garden work AND helped to freeze more beet greens. We'll have more this week if anyone wants some.

Caleb & Mallory

Caleb took a picture of me getting the greens out.

Seems like all we do is gardening and therapy. Here is a picture of my wrist.

Luckily Caleb was here and loves to ride on the big farm equipment with the Capeners.

The day before watering, so we called in more help to do the final weeding. I sent out the first of my "Gardening Analogies" by email to everyone for my monthly letter. If you didn't get it, let me know.

Yeah Dad!

Save those peas!

Mallory is quite the weeder!

It's time to irrigate the tomatoes. Ellen and I tried, but the two of us couldn't keep up with the watering. I needed both hands. So we called up Josh and Mallory and they came down with Caleb and we got most of it done before I took Dad to therapy.
Josh and Ellen irrigating.

Mike thought I should begin learning how to write my name with my left hand. I did get my stitches out today, Ellen came with me and she helped take them out. There was a long string and Dr. Bittner just pulled it. He asked if I wanted to, but I declined. Ellen accepted though. I've just to work it more.

Marion and the boys came later that night. This is me and Isaac playing Spot It.

This is Mar's new game, Risk Legacy. This is Steven, John, Marion, Spencer, and Mike. They sure liked it. Joe and Tesha came about 10:30 to stay also.

Front Room.  I'm afraid after they finished playing, Mike and boys stayed up late.

Marion brought 'knee medicine'.  It worked! Here's Dad with no crutches or walker.

I can't believe how much work was done today. Marion finished up the whole lawn and orchard, Joe attacked the weeds in the squash & grape area, actually all over in the garden where there was a lot of weeds in walk ways. John kept busy with racking weeds and feeding them to the chickens, Spencer and Steven worked hard in the raspberries, and Jared & Isaac picked different places to work. Tesha worked hard in the carrots and tomatoes and Ellen weeded all the potatoes. I just can't say thank you enough. The yard and garden look so beautiful tonight. And the grapes are gorgeous! I had put some of them up on the wires, but couldn't get them all. Joe finished it up and they are beautiful. The pruning that David and Dad did in March has sure paid off.  Ellen had made a big pan of lasagna the day before so all we had to do was put it in the oven for lunch.

Steven, John, and Tesha

Spencer pulled the car up on the front lawn and Steven washed it.  It looks great. I rode with Spencer. I can't believe he is old enough to get a learner's permit already.

John, Isaac, and Mike cooking marshmallows and cookies for dessert.

Joe doing more mowing by the basketball court.

Done with the work. Now it's game time!
Steven, Spencer, Marion, Jared, Joe, and Mike

Have to have a game of Avalon!

It's been a good week. It is such a weight off our shoulders to have so much work done. Thank you all so much. We continue to heal, especially with the Krispy Kreme donuts!

1828 Dictionary Word for the Week:
I went back to the beginning of my list. May we have a beautiful worship service tomorrow at church.
Worship- “state of worth or worthiness.  The act of paying divine honors to the Supreme Being; Verb-To adore; pay divine honors to; to respect; honor with extravagant love and extreme submission ("And it came to pass that they did worship the Lord;" 1Nephi 18:1)

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