Monday, July 21, 2014

Week of July 7, 2014

I have been so busy, so here comes several blogs at the same time.
It is so hard to get to the internet and have enough time to do what I need to do. I get pictures downloaded, but then don't get it finished and sent. So here are activities for the past 3 weeks:

The counselor in our Branch Presidency and his wife are having what they call "Taco Tuesday" where people can come and just visit. They provide the meat filling and shells, everything else is pot luck. It has been absolutely wonderful. It is so good to just see people visit and form relationships.

Library activity with the girls, Emily and Charleen, age 11 1/2

We took Pauline and her 2 daughters, Emily and Charleen, to Palmyra and met up with the Young Women who had been to camp all week. We toured around with them at the Joseph Smith cabin & home and the sacred grove. We saw the pageant that night. It was wonderful to see them interact with the YW, since they will be 12 in January.

We also went to the place where the Book of Mormon was published. It was very interesting to see all that went in to getting it published. Next door there was an LDS bookstore, and guess what they had!

Back home and here is an interesting cob web in the bushes outside of our door.

Bro. Kruppenbacher at age 89 has it all worked out that he can still mow his lawn.

The pageant was absolutely amazing. The special effects were wonderful.
As we have taught and are here in the mission field, I am reminded over and over of how the gospel has been here off and on according to how righteous the people are since the days of Adam. We are now living in the fullness of times and the last days before the Savior will come. He has restored His gospel, as in previous times, but it will not be taken again from the earth.
We are very blessed to live in this day, but Satan is working his hardest to deceive all he can.
I am thankful to be a part of His work. I love you all.

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