Sunday, May 1, 2016

Catharine, Max's Baptism, Life & Skits

1. Home from New Hampshire. We had a wonderful visit
with Joe & Tesha and welcomed little Catharine Ellen,
born April 8th, 2016.  See the "Trips" book for the vacation part.
Here are pictures of welcoming in little Catharine.

2. We have a family FHE on the third Sunday at 6:00 with 
pot luck refreshments. Hudson and Mia are having a lot
of fun in A. Sue's purse. We all had a great time.

3. As of today, May 1st, Ellen is still keeping that little baby to herself.
We went to Logan and picked up Cierra and went to visit with her.

4. We've done a lot of planting and working in the garden since
we came home. We have, beets, Swiss Chard, lettuce, radishes, onions, 
carrots, and peas.

5. Ellen tried this neat idea. She has about 30 plastic grocery bags in 
this tissue box. It was cool. Just Google plastic bags in a tissue box.

6. Walking the perimeter of the pasture that we are going to fence.
The Alfalfa and Grass seed looks beautiful.

7. Congratulations to Max getting baptized. It was a beautiful day.
We're very proud of your choice to be baptized.

8. Katrina and Olivia looking at Noelle's horse.

9. Sunday, May 1st
Pete and Chris's family came for Sunday evening and we
had such a wonderful time. We had good visiting, singing
around the piano and a full length skit of Cinderella.

10. We have a skit of Cinderella

It was a beautiful day.
I'm so thankful I married Daddy 46 years ago today. At that
time I had no idea the joy and happiness and hardships too that 
my life would have.
Sometimes we really don't know the lasting impact of the decisions
we make. I'm glad I made that decision, and we had all you children.
We had heartache in our ward this weekend. William Hornberger was
in our ward. In case you didn't hear, he was killed yesterday 
while with our YW group up Logan Canyon going rock climbing. 
He was at the top securing the anchor that would hold the rope 
and fell 75 feet. I knew him from USU. He was in my education group.
I also taught their daughter in 1st grade. It was such a shock to
our whole ward. I don't think I have ever been to a more spiritual
testimony meeting that was filled with the Spirit and the love that
went out to this family was incredible. 
His wife and children all came to church today. 
The Gospel is true. The Plan of Salvation is real. Jesus Christ
can be our anchor in our life to bring us peace no matter what happens.
I love you all.

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