Sunday, April 3, 2016

Kaden's Baptism, Family Life, More Pillowcases, April 2016

1. Babysitting for Tom and Mel
I had a lot of fun doing homework with the kids.
Cam needed to make a Leprechaun trap. She's very creative

2. Making French Bread with Taylor
 3. Cub Scouts with Max

4. We went with Chris's family to have their family pictures taken
by our neighbor, Jennifer Jacobson, who does such a good job.

 5. Singing around the piano
6. We celebrated Kaden's birthday and Ryan gave a lesson on baptism.

7.Skits of course.

8. We had a great time at the BRH Jazz Band Dinner Dance.
It's a lot more fun than being in the kitchen doing the dinner.
Josh front and center and Wade Walton leading.
9. Saturday was Kaden's baptism. He was so thrilled.
It was a wonderful day.

10. Daniel and Ellen came over after to spend the afternoon and
do laundry. Daniel was outside, so Mallory helped Ellen get her shoe on.

11. Daniel and Caleb are putting some good soil over the part
we dug up trying to find the septic tank last year.

12. Then Dad introduced Daniel to "Thumper" to dig post holes.
I didn't get a picture, but then Daniel rototilled the whole garden.
My goodness, no wonder he is my favorite son-in-law:)

 13.We went to Evanston and took Emily & Mike so he could go to
school with David and observe him.
I finally got pillow cases made with them. That's everyone!
Robert in the front, Matthew and Alaina.
14. Grandpa holding the twins, Jacoby and Eric.

We have been handing out and sending Daddy's History. It has
been wonderful. I didn't take pictures the day I took it to my first
cousin, Joan Capener Kimbal. I had Jared and Isaac with me, so they got
to meet her. We had such a wonderful time visiting, and the boys, Dad, and Sue
were playing ping-pong downstairs. 
After we were done, she gave me some money to take everyone
out to lunch. We went to Chick-fil-a of course and Spencer was there.
Too bad I didn't get any pictures.

15. Saturday while waiting for Mar to come and get the boys, Josh
and Spencer were comparing phones. I think they can do everything
but call on them. 

Conference left me with such a wonderful feeling.
After spending 4 days in the temple last week - I have such a strong
strong testimony of the covenants, ordinances, and power that comes
through them and the peace of the Temple. Truly we come to know Him there.
Elder Marcus B. Nash wrote an article in December 2015 Ensign called,
"The New and Everlasting Covenant." It is so good.
The love that was felt during Pres. Uchdorf's closing talk is so good.
Take time to listen, think, and feel. I love you all.  

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