Monday, August 12, 2019

Family Reunion, Mesquite, Nevada, 2019

We want to thank the family's of Paul, John, and Joe
for planning the reunion. It turned out great and 
wasn't as hot as I was afraid it would be.
Here are random pictures from our hotel.
The family T-shirts have really been a big thing all through the reunion.
They talked about getting shirts and Lacey volunteered to do shirts.
Instead of having the shirts outsourced to someone else, Paul gave 
Elise a heat press and she made all the shirts. She designed the
front, and Grandpa made a master list of when everyone
became a part of the Jensen family. Each person has their
own number, and it will never change. We all had fun
seeing what number we were and where everyone fit in.
1. John's family getting their shirts.
Front: Timmy, Maren, Ruth Ellen. Back: John & Stacey

2. Rob's family getting their shirts.
Rob, Emily, Jetta, Cecily and Scott on the bed,
Marri and Sophia.

3. Joe's family - It was late at night and we didn't get
the handing out with all the families.
4. Sam loved the swimming pool.

5. Food time! The patio, grill, and tables provided a
great place to all gather and eat. 

6. Dad sacrificed some time and took Samuel for a nap.

7. Everyone had such a great time at the pool, whether
it was the regular pool or hot tub. Everyone gathered
together and played. I think, starting with Danny's head
and going around, it's: Sam, Olivia, Katrina, Mallory, Leah,
Isaac, Cecily, and Stacey.

8. Paul and Dad getting ready for breakfast.

9. Colleen, Grandma, Paul. I think Zander and Mia
were to the side of Colleen.

10. Ruth Ellen on the pizza slice. Everyone sure
had fun playing with it.

11. John and Ruth E

12. Tesha holding Linda, the largest number in attendnce!

13. Around the pool on Thursday night. Rob, Cecily
Emily, Scott & Jetta sitting by the pool.

14. The teenagers. I can almost identify them in
the next picture, but the next I'm not sure.
they had such a good time.
Timmy, Sam, Sammi, Kirsten, Danny, Katrina, Mallory
Olivia, Cecily. (Bekah was at a Writer's conference in Provo)

15. Random hall picture: Catharine, Zander, Caleb, Ben, Zach.
That could be Chloe & Isaac in the back.

16. Games in the heat of the day in a variety of hotel
rooms: Timmy, Ben, Zach

17. Stacy and Sue visiting. The teenagers were
playing board games in the lobby. The staff
was sure good to us.

18. #51 is Sam, then Katrina, Mallory, Danny, Stacy, Sue
Olivia, Sammi, Isaac, Cecily and Kirsten.
 Some downtime in more of the hotel rooms:
 19. Sammi and Chloe

20. Marri and Scott

21. Levi at the pool
 22. Leah, Marri, Steven, Sue, & Rob in the corner in sunglasses.

23. Jetta and Chloe lived in the pool. Maybe Sam or Timmy?
Not our group in the back. We may be a lot, but I
can recognize those not in the family.

24. Me and Paul

25. Marri and Steven in the back. Starting at bottom corner
of pool: Cecily, Kirsten, Danny, John, Sam, Mallory, Rob
& Emily on other side, Katrina, Isaac and Catharine. 

26. Waffle duty for breakfast: Back: Kirsten, Mallory
Katrina & the waffle iron, and Danny.

27. Sammi, Kirsten, Olivia, Sam, Katrina and Mallory
Waffles with cinnamon syrup or berry topping with 
canned whip cream and little sausages.

28. John with Ruth Ellen 

29. Planning the Ultimate Frisby game:
30. The great big game of Ultimate Frisby on Friday
night was a great success. Olivia in front, Joe with the
frisby, Danny, Zach, Sammi (thanks to the number on the
back of the shirt) and Sam.

31. Little Miss Mia

 32. Ellen holding Michael in the chair while
Joe puts sun block on Sam. 

33. Rob and Peter. I wish our children had more
time to visit with each other.

34. Tesha and Ben

35. Ellen with Michael and Sam and Catharine in front.

 36. Isaac, Zander, Ben.
 37. Leah on Saturday morning

38. Rob's family in their shirts. Back: Sophia, Marri, Scott,
Cecily. Front: Emily Jetta, Rob
 39. Now the back view in order
 40. Steven
 41. Sue and Issac - front and back

 42. John's family: Back: Danny, Timmy, Sam, John. Front: Kirsten,
Maren, Stacey, Ruth Ellen. She wasn't very happy to have her
picture taken, but she got to chose which Kindal she
wanted for the trip home first!
I would love to have a family picture of each family
to hang up in our new home. It's too hard to get
everyone at one time, but separate familiy's will be great! 

43. Chris, Dannel and Michael

44. John and Rob - At one time this was a large circle
of visiting for the adults.

45. I always love to watch cousins getting to know each other
and becoming friends. This is Leah and Maren. 
 One of my favorite groups to watch was the teenager group.
Who also included those younger than them.
46. Kirsten on bottom left and around to Cecily, Olivia, Mallory,
Mia, and Katrina. Chris is in the corner.

47. Isaac and Caleb
 48. Sam and Sammi playing pickle ball with . . .
49. Cecily, Kirsten, and Danny

50. On the way home at Kolob canyon.
Dad and I 
 51. Dad, me, Sue, Isaac - they rode with us and
we listened to Brandon Sanderson on the way to and from.

52. A very happy Dad and Mom
It brings me so much joy to see our family have fun together.

A big thank you to Paul, John, and Joe and all the
support from Lacey, Stacey, and Tesha.
No wonder Heavenly Father made it possible for
family's to spend eternity together.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed the reunion. thank you for all those who worked to make it happen, and all those who came. it was fun. Love you all. dad(g-pa)
