Saturday, November 28, 2015

Thanksgiving & Pie Fest, Snow, Last Pillowcase, November 2015

1. I haven't been very good at taking pictures this month. I babysat Tom & Mel's
kids and left my camera there, and when I got it back, I was out of the habit.
Sorry. We had spaghetti squash with spaghetti sauce on top of it. 
The kids loved it. Here is Max on his third helping. 
We still have a lot of spaghetti squash if you want some.

2. Cam getting more.

3. Lost pictures, so it's lost from my memory. We have been to the temple more this
month and that has been great. Thank you for your attendance also. I hope you
had a wonderful experience. I'm pretty sure we had someone all month.
It was great to see John and his family even though it was a short visit. We
are sorry it was a funeral that brought them in (Stacey's grandpa), but it was
good to see them. 
4.Our first snow of the season.

5.The day before Thanksgiving, Noelle came and helped me with
housecleaning. It was wonderful. Notice the pantry and wheat grinder
closet next time you come. Then Mallory came down and the
two of them helped to make all the pie crust and 7 of the pies.
Daniel and Ellen set a beautiful table for Thanksgiving Dinner.
We had us, Chris & Tom family, Ellen and Daniel and Uncle Marc,
so we had just 20, but it was a beautiful day.

6. Rolls - Her shirt says, "Feed Me and Tell Me I'm Pretty"
It's a maternity shirt we bought a few months ago.

7. Mia's first Thanksgiving.

8.Max and Zander are shoveling for us. It has been so fun to watch Zander
interact with his cousins. It's almost like he has just discovered them.
He also chased and played with Taylor.

9. Thanks Mallory for all your help. Noelle made all the pie crusts
and did a fancy design around the edge.

10. Daniel playing games with the kids.

11. Surprise of the day - A new cat for Tom & Mel's family.
It even has the right pedigree. They got it from Thane Winward, Jr.'s 
family in Garland, so the cat is related. 

12. Of course a puzzle

13. Such a fun day on Saturday, November 28 at the pie fest at
Rob and Emily's. Thank you again for hosting it.

14. Before the pie fest I made Jetta's pillow case with her.
It is dancing ballerinas and we had a good time.

Thank you to all who have worked hard in finishing up the garden this year.
Marion and his boys have helped so much and Chris's kids.
Ned Silvester brought over 3 dump loads of sandy soil mixed with manure.
Josh, Mike, and Marion have all roto-tilled.
We have had a good harvest and many blessings this past year.
I am still in shock over the passing of Uncle Bob. He's been my 'brother' since
I was 7 years old. Susan is having a hard time also - she was quite close to her dad.
I love you all - each one of you individually. 

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