More fun with Flat Stanley
We have had a good time taking Flat Stanley with us. I only have one more picture and I'll send you all the write up. Enjoy New York with Flat Stanley. Isaac's class is the only ones that will get the real Saratoga Chips. The potato chip was invented in Saratoga Springs.
We also went to Albany to the New York State Museum, so I included pictures of it also.
For those of you who did temple work for Brother Kruppenbacher. This is a picture of him. He will be 89 years old in April. He has such a New York Bronx accent that I never tire of hearing him talk.
Our District
These pictures are from the Albany State Museum
Notice the skyline includes the twin towers. This sign was as we entered the large room about it.
Fire truck that was destroyed by falling building. It was an old one on display near the twin towers and got hit with debris.
Front of it
The rest of the pictures will be explained in the Flat Stanley letter later this week.
Maybe not this one, I didn't include it. We are in front of a Baleen Whale.
Maybe I will put it in. It was cool.
More pictures I'm not putting in with FS report. I loved this picture because it had what New York looked like about 1830 (paper with exact date at home) and then in the picture below about 1985.
Hopefully we will go here before we leave New York
Empire State Building
An old carosel in the top of the building.
The state capital in Albany, NY. We are looking out the window from the museum
Achievement Days. We did this in YW one time and Ellen had hers hanging up for years. We talked about putting on the whole armor of God.
The last picture we sent didn't work, so hopefully this one will.
Boston Temple - It was a beautiful day and much warmer than when we went in January.
Thank you for those who did temple work.
Potato chips were invented in Saratoga Springs, about 50 miles from us.
Read the report to find out about the rest
I love you all. Notice the scarf that Flat Stanley has on? Thank you to Steven and the rest who made those scarves around the dining room table. I just cut a little piece off from the end to put on Stanley. After all, he was FREEZING!
Have a wonderful week. In my reading this morning I read Alma 34. I forgot just how profound that chapter is. Ellen, is there an action figure for Amulek? He is amazing.
Stay tuned in other media forms for updates in Ellen's life:)
Every time I show Zander your picture he lays his head against me and stares. He has me going back to it over and over...i was doing grandpa's head shake /lip wobble trick thingy for him too - I think he remembers.