Monday, February 24, 2014

More fun with Flat Stanley
We have had a good time taking Flat Stanley with us. I only have one more picture and I'll send you all the write up. Enjoy New York with Flat Stanley. Isaac's class is the only ones that will get the real Saratoga Chips. The potato chip was invented in Saratoga Springs. 
We also went to Albany to the New York State Museum, so I included pictures of it also.

For those of you who did temple work for Brother Kruppenbacher. This is a picture of him. He will be 89 years old in April. He has such a New York Bronx accent that I never tire of hearing him talk.

Our District

These pictures are from the Albany State Museum
Notice the skyline includes the twin towers. This sign was as we entered the large room about it.

Fire truck that was destroyed by falling building. It was an old one on display near the twin towers and got hit with debris. 
 Front of it
 The rest of the pictures will be explained in the Flat Stanley letter later this week.

Maybe not this one, I didn't include it. We are in front of a Baleen Whale.
Maybe I will put it in. It was cool.

More pictures I'm not putting in with FS report. I loved this picture because it had what New York looked like about 1830 (paper with exact date at home) and then in the picture below about 1985.

Hopefully we will go here before we leave New York

Empire State Building

An old carosel in the top of the building.

The state capital in Albany, NY. We are looking out the window from the museum

Achievement Days. We did this in YW one time and Ellen had hers hanging up for years. We talked about putting on the whole armor of God.

The last picture we sent didn't work, so hopefully this one will. 

Boston Temple - It was a beautiful day and much warmer than when we went in January. 
Thank you for those who did temple work. 

Potato chips were invented in Saratoga Springs, about 50 miles from us.

Read the report to find out about the rest

I love you all. Notice the scarf that Flat Stanley has on? Thank you to Steven and the rest who made those scarves around the dining room table. I just cut a little piece off from the end to put on Stanley. After all, he was FREEZING!

Have a wonderful week. In my reading this morning I read Alma 34. I forgot just how profound that chapter is. Ellen, is there an action figure for Amulek? He is amazing.

Stay tuned in other media forms for updates in Ellen's life:)

Monday, February 17, 2014

Snowed in Week with Company!
We had quite the week with all the snow. Before it came, though, we received company in the mail. FLAT STANLEY came to spend some time with us.
Thank you, Isaac for sending him to us. I am so excited to have him here. We have already started to take him places, so I will post those on this week's blog. Our Zone conference is scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, and we will take him with us to Albany, NY. After we get the pictures from that trip, I will get everything put together and send it to your school. Let me know how it goes!
I will send a completed report of Flat Stanley's trip to everyone else by email next week.

Monday and Flat Stanley Arrives
This house is in Athens, NY. It was built in 1724 and has been lived in by someone ever since.

Flat Stanley with the "Rip Van Winkle Bridge" in the background. The bridge goes over the Hudson River to the town of Hudson, NY

Flat Stanley meets Rip Van Winkle (just a statue). This is a famous story written by Washington Irving. (More information in full report)

Flat Stanley looks out our window at all the snow. He is sad because we were supposed to go to Albany today and see the museum. AND Isaac forgot to send a coat, boots, gloves, and snowsuit pants for him.

Grandma took him outside anyway. This is the top of the car showing how deep the first of the snow was.

"Get back in the house, Stanley. Don't you know it's freezing out there?"

 "Grandpa, why did you let him out again?"

More Snow pictures:
This is the first of the storm, so it's not much snow.

We woke up to this the next day. Now we know why they put their windshield wipers up.

Yes, we have wonderful neighbors out here also.

 When I shoved across the street, it took me 5 shovel fulls to get to the bottom at each spot I shoveled. I know I don't have my shovel quite as full as Dad's, but it was a lot of snow!

Happy Valentine's Day!
We didn't have Christmas or New Year's, so we gave to each other for Valentine's Day.

 Good Elders always help with the dishes.

Elder Pearce from Idaho and Elder Klafkee from Las Vegas

Can I watch?

"I hadn't bargained for this!"  It was the biggest turkey Dad has ever boned.

I love you all. Have a wonderful week. All my extra study went into compiling the Plan of Salvation paper and redoing the pictures. I will send them in the mail.
I just want you to know how much I love the Lord. The gospel is truly a shield and a protection from the evils of the day if we allow it to be. 

Stay tuned for more of Flat Stanley next week!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day! I love you all

I didn't give much news in my letter I sent. Dad has more details, but here are the pictures:

We left in too much of hurry and didn't get a picture for our missionary plaque. Sister Forsberg wrote and asked us to send her one. So for our FHE activity we kept trying to take a good picture from our camera that was sitting in the cupboard and would take it 10 seconds after we pushed it. We never could get one without glasses reflecting the light, so neither of us are wearing glasses.

Snowed in on Wednesday! It was hard to get a good picture showing how much it snowed, but as I started to clean off the car, that seemed to show the best. This picture is before we got another 2 inches later in the day.

As we drive around, different things make me think of you at home. We had to stop the car and take some pictures of these horses for all the horse lovers in the family. There were four white horses all together. They really were very beautiful. You can see 2 white horses in these pictures.

Next week is Zone Training and we are going to Albany. We have permission to take our Elders from the District and go to the New York State Museum. So we will have a lot of pictures next week! I heard there is a really good exhibit from nine eleven.
So stay tuned for next week.

Have a wonderful Valentine's Day and take a moment among all the candy and Valentine's to feel our love for you. We are so busy right now, but we are telling people of Jesus Christ who has more love for everyone than anyone else. 
Ponder on what He, who gave His life for all, has done for you individually.

Monday, February 3, 2014

This Week's Blog Happy Birthday Chris on the 6th! 
I can quickly see that my weekly letter tells what we have done and the blog are pictures of what we have done. Because of the nature of missionary work, not many pictures, but here they are:

Achievement Days. The girls drew the pictures for the song, "I Will Follow God's Plan"
We also learned how to lead the singing. It actually went much better than I thought.

At the very end, Cassie decided to get started on her math homework. Elder Jensen was quickly called in for tutoring for her and Julia (sitting on floor)

Old home from about 1720 that has been lived in continuously. It was in Athens - New York, not Greece

We went to Hudson to visit someone in the hospital and saw this little lighthouse on the Hudson River. This picture is for Aunt Silvia

Rip Van Winkle Bridge going into Hudson, NY

Taking turns reading Mar's book. I bet you can't guess what Grandpa is saying at the moment I took the picture. (Comment, so I will know:)

The creeks are so beautiful. They are mostly frozen ice with just a little water.

See the waterfall in the background? It was completely frozen. It was beautiful.

We arrived 10 minutes early to a dinner appointment, so I read. (No, I am not spitting.)

Today we took the Elder's to Catskill to the Walmart because that is out of our district.
We treated them out lunch at the Pizza Hut. They are Elder Klafkee, from Les Vegas, and Elder Pearce from New Plymouth,Idaho. We figured we owe a lot of back dinners given to our children while they served in the mission field. 

I love you all. My messages are in the letter I sent.
Have a wonderful week.