Monday, January 6, 2014

2014! Week of December 30

We spent a lot of today in the library writing, doing our blog, and doing a lot of Family History.
This is Dad going up the steps to the library. The library is the old home of Eleanor Christina Heermance, so it is the Heermance Library

We saw our investigators tonight. More about that in our weekly letter. He was very excited with the Family History we had found about his grandparents. It is so fun to share with people their family. We had a very boring New Year's Eve. We didn't even have 7-Up and Sherbet. What is the world coming to?

Wednesday - Happy New Year's!!!
We had a great New Year thanks to the members of the branch. We picked up the Elders and had a wonderful dinner at 2:00 at the Kosorok's. The chicken was wonderful and the green beans were from their garden and cooked with garlic, which was also grown in their garden. I had three helpings of the beans. He gave me 3 heads of garlic and told me how to grow it. It was great. They have 7 acres of woods and I was going to take a picture, but when we left it was too dark. Will get it this week.
Then the Elder's had a 2nd dinner appointment they had failed to tell us about, but it was with the family we had been doing a little research for. So we took them to that and we showed brother Brittan the family history and he had been doing some. He is very interested in it. They were a fun family to meet as you will see in the following pictures:

He collects hot wheel cars and he hangs them up on the wall of their bedroom. All the walls are covered with these cars. He has over 6,000, but they are not all on the wall.
I thought all our little grandsons would really like this, and everyone. I thought it was amazing, but enough to decorate my bedroom with them.

For all the animal lovers. They also had these cute little guinea pigs. We have not been in a home yet that there are not pets, especially dogs. Everyone has at least one dog. 

I keep forgetting to get a picture of our church on Sunday. Every Thursday we have District Meeting, and this week it had snowed a lot. Greenville got 3 times as much snow as we did. I thought this was a good picture of the church with the Elders shoveling the snow. 

It was the last District Meeting before transfers, so we had a pot luck afterwards. We had pizza, chips, pop, and we made blueberry o'cream pie for dessert.

Our first district picture.

The Elders set all their cameras on a timed setting, line them up on the hymnbooks at the front of the table, all run to the chairs and are there for the above picture. It was great. Good to be around the young! 

We visited more people in our branch and then had dinner with Brother Bulich pictured below. He feeds the missionaries every Friday, and he had invited us. It was good to visit him the night before we went through the temple with him.

We felt a little like pioneers. We got up at 5:30 a.m., left for the meeting place to go to the temple at 6:00. We left there at 7:00 and got to the temple at 10:00. We had such a beautiful day at the temple attending multiple session and ended up in the sealing room about 5 that afternoon. We did his parents work that day also, so now he was able to be proxy for his father and have his Dad and Mom sealed to each other. After that, with a little more paper work, he was sealed to his parents.
It was amazing and a reaffirmation to me of just how much Heavenly Father loves all of his children who have ever lived in any time period. We got home at 11:00; tired but very happy.
Brother Bulich in front of the temple at the end of the day.

Boston Temple, located in Belmont, Mass. when we first got there.

We had a very busy Sunday with Correlation meeting first and then church. I was sustained as 1st co. in primary, so I taught the lesson to the older primary, 4 girls, and did sharing time. I then slipped into Relief Society to sit with our investigator. Not that I really needed to, they were taking good care of her and answering her questions. I was so excited she had stayed to all three meetings. She had worked all night as a nurse, so she was headed home for a well-deserved nap.

I love you all very much. I feel like we have bombarded you with letters this week, so I will close. I guess you can hope we don't get snowed in too often. Again, it was good to talk to you all over the holidays. I wish we could import you all to sing in Sacrament meeting, I feel like we are practically the only ones singing. And I miss Liz having us do all the verses!

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