Sunday, September 29, 2013

Week of September 22, 2013

We had David and family here and they went to church with us. It was great to have them sit with us. Chris and family came down for dinner with us and it was so nice to have a full table of family. We had Hawaiian haystacks for Robert's birthday dinner.
Here is our weekly call from Joe and Tesha

Noelle came down on their horse, Mickey. The one everyone rode at the reunion. She is teaching it to be more obedient and do what she wants it to do!
 Giving Mallory a ride. Notice they are riding without a saddle.
 Amanda and the kids on the tramp!

Uncle Doug and Aunt Pat were in from Tennessee, so we all met at U. Bill's house to visit with them. It was so good see them and catch up on news. We stopped and got Ellen and Mike and we all had a good time, except my battery died, so that is all the pictures we have. 

We went to a viewing & funeral of Yvonne Ashby. I went to school with her daughter, Annette. It was such a beautiful funeral and good to see old high school friends. Time to keep in better touch with them. We came home to do the last of the grapes we bought and then later that evening Chris' family came down and we helped them do their grapes.

Noelle, Mallory, Caleb, Zander, and Colleen. 

Josh and Cierra

After exercising, we came home and harvested our grapes and began doing our juice. I am still amazed at the amount of grape juice we got. It made a huge difference to have David come in March and he and Dad worked very hard to prune the grapes. They have looked really good this summer and had good regular watering. We ended up with 72 2qt. jars along with a little concentrate and some grape jelly. He is in charge of pruning next year.
Here's the picture I promised I would take for David.

We picked 5 boxes of grapes like this one

Wednesday - Happy Birthday Robert!
We finished up the grapes, made some grape jelly from concentrate, and worked on things for the Capener family reunion.


We then took some juice to Sue, visited for a bit with her and the boys and went to the temple on the way home. I decided to take a picture from the BC temple of the Tabernacle across the street.

We got home in time to see Caleb's last soccer game. He was excited to be goalie.

We pretty much did grape juice all day. I can't believe we didn't get a picture. The juice is delicious. As we come to visit, we will bring some juice and trade for empty jars.
That night we went to U. Bob's and A. Anne's for a birthday celebration of U. Bob. He had invited some neighbors and family. Mike came with us, but Ellen was on a date.
He has three candles on his cake. They represent past, present, and future.
Cousin Mark His wife, Suzie, who put on the whole dinner!
Cousin Mark and his wife.

We got home in time to go to Josh's marching band performance after the football game. Mike was with us. Look at how big the marching band is, and their color guard is amazing. 
Wade Walton has done an amazing job with building the band program. I don't think it has ever been bigger.

Look how sharp Josh looks in that uniform. We were band booster presidents and we went to American Fork and bought all their old jackets. It was a really good deal, and then BR only had to put the bear claw patch over the AF logo and buy new pants. The band now had new uniforms at a very low price. I always wondered what they looked like and was very excited to see how good they looked! Especially now with my grandson in them. Mike never got to wear them since he graduated.

Saturday - Happy Birthday Suzie and Uncle Mike!
We started the day off with Suzie calling us and they sang to Mike and we sang to Suzie. It was a great way to start the day!
We then finished up green grape concentrate and got ready for the Capener Reunion.
We made concentrate from the green table grapes. Unfortunately they had seeds in them, but they were good to eat as long as you had a place to spit the seeds!
Box 6 of grapes, but 1 of green
 7 of grapes and 2 of green. These boxes were really full.

We gave Mike his present at breakfast time. I gave him enough hints that he was very curious. I told him 3 months ago he wouldn't have wanted it or even known what it was.

He's very happy with it. He has really gotten in to doing Family  History, and he needed a program on his lap top for the records, so we gave him 'Roots Magic' for his birthday.
After all, Family History is one big logic puzzle. That's it Mike. You could do Family History in your class when you are a teacher.

Capener Reunion - can you identify anyone in the picture

Descendants of Joseph Aaron Rigby Capener - Yes, that is the one you come through.

All Mike wanted to do for his birthday was have a birthday with his nieces and nephews. He asks for that every year, so make sure next year when we are on our mission he gets a party!
Marion had a campover with Steven so he couldn't bring the boys up. So Emily was good enough to host the B-day party at their new home. It is such a wonderful place for a gathering. Chris & family, us and then Ellen all came. We had a wonderful time. Here are the pictures:

Getting ready for dinner. Colleen and I brought soup, Emily did breadsticks and a salad, and Dad made goof balls for the birthday cake. That was so much easier because there were no crumbs!

Eating outside

Watching Women's conference

This was just too cute of Zander scooting.

Mike tossing Jetta to Emily. We missed not having Rob there. He was in Iowa to a conference.

Almost walking to Aunt Ellen
 Zander is looking back, "No, I want my mommy!"
 Didn't want Mike either.
Time to blow out the candles
 The kids didn't sing to Mike, they yelled Happy Birthday song to him. Dad wasn't the only one plugging his ears. Mike loved it.

 Thanks Emily for the cool candy bar card.

Time to play Avalon. The first time since Joe and Tesha moved. We have been in mourning.

 Ellen is trying her best at lying.

 Now lets play with the younger kids.

 Cute Jetta

1828 Webster's Dictionary Word for the Week:
Intent- “Literally, having the mind strained or bent on an object; hence, fixed closely; eager in pursuit of an object; anxiously diligent; a purpose; intention” Locke said: “Intention is when the mind, with great earnestness and of choice, fixes its view on any idea, considers it on every side, and will not be called off by the ordinary solicitation of other ideas.”
 (Moroni 7:9 talking about praying: “real intent of heart”)

Sometimes I forget just how important prayer is. May we all really pray with more "real intent of heart"
I love you all. Maybe this week our call will come.

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