Saturday, March 9, 2013

Week of March 3, 2013

It was the last day of our Family Trees class today.  I have enjoyed the class, but we are not going to have any more in the near future.  We can accomplish more in a one-hour home visit than we can in four weeks of classes.  It was a beautiful Fast Sunday today.  Maybe that is a sign of old age.  I enjoy fasting. 

We had a busy 2 days with visits to homes doing Family History.  We visited the Coleman's on Monday afternoon, Sandy Orme on Tuesday morning and Ron & Jessica Jenson at 9:00 Tuesday night.  Ron has a sister that lives 5 minutes away from the University in New Hampshire that Joe & Tesha are considering.  It will be good to actually talk to someone that lives there.
This is a picture of our Family Home Evening refreshments.  I'm sure you boys all feel bad that we never had them when you lived at home.  They are spinach smoothies with bananas, oranges, and apricots.  They were very good.

I went to the temple while Dad did some research for his father's history.  We did some shopping and went to Best Buy and got Ellen's hard drive.  It took some experimenting, but dad was able to get the documents retrieved they had gotten. She is very happy to have her laptop back.

I had a good day with a lot of variety.  I quilted in the morning with the ladies in our ward, went to Fielding School and read with kids for an hour, worked on a quilt at home, and took dinner to new neighbors that have been here for almost 3 months.

We had a very busy day at the FH center.  We are teaching a class on Family Trees and then I helped Sandy Orme at.  We came home and dad went to the Robbins' home to help with Family History.  Then Joe & Tesha came and we had Chris's family down to celebrate Ben's 3rd birthday.  We really did have a good time.
Hair cutting time!

 Cake decorating time!

 Ben's cake

Ben loved blowing out the candles.

 Gifts from Caleb and Noelle

 Playing Scum

 Ready to watch Wreck-It Ralph on the magic wall.

 Zander and Grandma spent some time 'visiting' with each other.  He really smiles cute, but I had a hard time catching it on the camera.

 This is to let John & Stacey know how much we use the coat rack they gave us for Christmas.

 Noelle had Zander really giggling!

I had made granola Friday night, so we had it for breakfast while we were waiting for the German Pancakes to cook.  Zach really got into it!

 Maybe doubling the recipe was just a bit too much for this pan, but it was really good!

In the after noon we, Ellen, Mike, dad and I, and Noelle and Mallory all went to see "Singin in the Rain" at the Old Barn.  They did a very good job and it was a fun afternoon.
Since Mike was on 'Spring Break' from USU, he is wearing shorts.

Dad, Ellen, Noelle, me, Mike

It is now 12:30 a.m. (that is with the clock changed) and everyone in out watching Wreck-It Ralph.  When I'm done I imagine I'll join them.  I thought I lost a lot of sleep when you were all young!
I've loved my extra study time I am getting.  I have been looking up words in the 1828 Dictionary and it has added a lot of insight to my reading. (I have 3 pages of definitions so far.) I was reading in Jacob 4:6 "and having all these witnesses we obtain a hope, and our faith becometh unshaken. . . Here is the definition of hope: 
“a desire of some good, accompanied with at least a slight expectation of obtaining it, or a belief that it is obtainable. Hope differs from wish and desire in this, that it implies some expectation of obtaining the good desired, or the possibility of possessing it. Hope therefore always gives pleasure or joy; whereas wish and desire may produce or be accompanied with pain and anxiety. . . . To place confidence in; to trust in with confident expectation of good."
This is why hope is so intertwined with faith, and why I feel such a peace with my hope and faith in Jesus Christ.  I want you all to know how happy I am.

I Can See Everything so Clear!
Robert called us this week and was so excited because he can see everything so clear now that he has glasses.  May we 'see clear' as we put our hope and faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement that sustains us from day to day.

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