We had a quiet Sunday. I woke up and thought of what I wanted to give my family for Christmas, so Dad, Mike and I started working on that. It was a quiet but busy day.
We continued working on the Christmas presents and went to Logan to help with John's family while they got their family pictures taken. Kirsten got sick and threw up during the picture taking time. No one thought of it at the time, but that would have made an interesting picture. I don't think JC Penney would have posted that one, though. After pictures we picked up Ellen and went to Joe and Tesha's and fixed lunch. We then did our shopping for the upcoming family gatherings. We watched Voyage of the Dawn Treader for Family Home Evening and Sherlock Holmes BBC TV series. We are getting hooked on it. It's a good thing there are not very many.
In the Mall with Marren and Timmy
Lunch at Joe & Tesha's
Dad went to do the the shopping for Thanksgiving and family reunion. I had gotten sick in the night and didn't feel well in the morning. I think I must have gotten it from Kirsten. We babysat John's kids while they went to the Brigham City Temple with Stacey's family. It was good to spend some one on one time with the kids. We also babysat Anthony's baby, Jack. After play practice, Dad drove to Salt Lake to pick up Susan. Her flight was delayed and they didn't get back home until 2:00 a.m.
Grandpa and Marren
Same & Kirsten playing 'Spot-it' with Grandma & Marren
Nap time for Timmy!
Bye-bye Marren!
Dad, Ellen, Mike, Susan, A. Margaret and I went to the Brigham City temple. Susan thought it was very beautiful and it was good to go again. Susan took us out eat lunch at the Chinese Buffet afterwards. I lost the day of baking I needed before Thanksgiving, but everyone helped when we got home. We all went to play practice that night and then came home to bake more pies. I went to bed at midnight. But it was so good to just spend that time at the temple and with family. That is what the holiday is all about. This is a time for great thanksgiving because we have been so blessed this year.
Susan was taking the picture.
Ellen, me, Robin, & Mike in front of the Brigham City temple.
Topper and his girl
Dancing the Roger de Coverly
Belle, Lisa Winkler, casting off Young Scrooge, Mike
Come see her kiss him good-bye on his cheek. (He actually took her to Jr. Prom)
Ring those bells with a shake of your hip Aunt Ellen!
Now Mike is Poor Husband with his arm around Morgan's wife, Rose Ann
Noelle and Mallory
Uncle Marc, who is not really a scrooge.
What chorus people do - Singing in the corner (sorry, I'm not in costume)
As usual, Thanksgiving began early with putting in the turkey. I think the days of knowing how many will be here for dinner are over, and I'm fine with that. I love having my children here for dinner, even if it is just a 'pre-dinner' eating. We ended up setting the table for 20, although David and Peter families left early for other dinners. In the afternoon, Cierra taught Ellen and I how to make the scarf she made at Relief Society super Saturday. It was so fun and relaxing. Of course, there were more games, pie, eating, relaxing, and visiting.
It's dinner time.
Mike gets to sit at the grown-up table!
Grandkids at Thanksgiving - Cierra was invited to the grown-up table,
bus she said they had boring conversations.
Susan, all the way from California and stuck on the corner.
Cierra showing grandma how to make a scarf.
This is the big pie fest day at Earley Park. There still seemed to be so much to get ready because I had relaxed on Thursday, but Robin met the missionaries at the park by 10:00 and I was there by 11:00. Pictures tell the story, but only a little. I had so much fun just watching the cousins play and my children visiting, playing games, etc. We had almost 50 family members there. I loved watching the 7-8 year age group playing. You could actually see the bonds of friendship forming. Everything was worth it just for that. If you stop to think how many children we had there and I never heard of any fighting, it's quite amazing. Mike had a ball with all the kids and there is no place on earth like Earley Park's cabin and playing dot - dot. We also had games of frizbee, kick ball, and volleyball.
I remember as a little girl my father saying he had to go out and "bed down the cows". Maybe it had been a big storm or some reason, because it wasn't done daily. But that was how I felt as I passed out sheets, blankets, let down beds, and arranged for over 20 people to sleep while Robin and his sons stayed at Earley Park. Ellen, Tesha, Susan, Emily, and Amanda all stayed here, and the visiting I did get in was so good. Such a big, good day. I loved it. "Family, it's all about time" is true. We need this time together to form lasting relations and support.
Dot, Dot
Little Cousins
Visit, visit
ummmmmmm, pie!
John with Timmy and Marren
Plate of Pie is Sam's favorite alliteration
Emily's activity - Puzzle race
Spot-It with Cousins
Imagination games - my favorite kind
I think Isaac is beating his dad!
Wee Alaina sleeping in the middle of Wii cousin players
We know Grandpa is not far away!
Brad holding sleeping Marren
Game bonding time
How many memories do we have of the cabin?
Ooops, crossing the Earley Park Creek was almost as difficult as the Sweetwater.
Taco Salad because an eagle landed on the power line, pooped, and it blew a fuse,
so we switched and baked the potatoes for dinner.
Game time with cousins: Marrie, Sohpie, Steven, & Noelle
Isaac, Scott, Caleb and Jetta playing by the freezer.
Hiding behind the tree during dot, dot from Joe the counter.
Suck it in Peter or you'll be seen!
Dad and Ben hiding also
Kick Ball
I cooked pancakes for breakfast and 7 times the usual recipe. Five kids ran to the chicken coop to eggs to make the pancakes. The grandkids appetites are growing with them. We had an 'unplanned' day and enjoyed the time with those who were here, coming and going. In the afternoon we got ready for Sunday and then had another get together that evening. We had a good discussion on politics that night, but I didn't get any pictures. Too bad, because it was a good 'healthy, warm' discussion. I really enjoyed hearing the different ideas and concepts. We all had our opinions and we all still have good feelings toward each other! My mother always said, "Don't ever talk religion or politics with a Capener." I think that could also be said of a Winward. Be sad if you didn't get to be part of it.
Needless to say, it was another late night getting to bed and early rising as Mike was to report to the High Council, but that is for next week.
Game playing Saturday morning - Jeffrey, Dusty, Mallory, Bekah, Katrina, and Robert on the couch.
Skit time on Saturday morning
Kirsten, Jeffrey, Danny, Mallory, & Bekah eating pancakes
Sophie, Noelle, & Marrie watching the skit
Ahhhh, brings back memories
Hey, I don't see a picture of me sitting in the corner sleeping off my sickness. No fair. ;)