Sunday, June 28, 2020

June 2020 Blog - Dentist & Family Reunion

Our first full month in our new home. We've had
so much family, and it's been great. I'm very 
thankful to John Lee Roring for becoming a dentist!
Stacey came in for over a week for dentist appointments
and Paul's family came in right at the end. We've
had a great time. All this led up to the family reunion. 
I have lots of pictures, so I'm limiting on my writing.

1. Good to have the piano back. Mia and Catharine
in concert!

2. There's plenty of room to visit.

3. Quarantined hair cut, shave, and eyebrow clip

4. The library has turned into a favorite gathering
place for teens and games. Mike, Danny, Sam and Kirsten 

5. Marren, Leah, Amelia, Catharine

6. Sunday gathering

7. We had just Daniel and Ellen's family to dinner.
Michael and Samuel are eating a banana split!

8. We had a party for those who read the Family Story
book or tried. We had homemade pizza and root beer
floats. I think its: Sam, Suzie in corner, Timmy, Zach, Ben,
Zander at door, Kaden and Caleb.

9. Dad worked very hard to hand the pictures over
the stairs, the grand kids pictures, and family pictures.

10. We  had a wonderful Sacrament meeting with Stacey's
and Paul's family. Then we gathered more after that.
Left: Lacey, Sammi, Chloe, Nikki, Levi
 11. Kirsten, Elise, Nikki, Lacey, Stacey, Ruth E. Sam, Danny

12. Harry Potter room hosting teenagers: L. Kirsten, Mallory,
Bekah, Olivia, and Nikki
13.  Library gatherings. They loved the superstitions book and
playing "Marry Mr. Darcy" game. Sammi, Bekah, Danny,
Kirsten, Nikki, Caleb, Mallory.

14. Play dough entertains all ages. Made from the recipe I
used for Joy School. Levi, Linda, Ruth E., Amelia

15. Now the older kids: Olivia, Bekah, Katrina, Chris-but he
didn't play, Mallory, Nikki, Danny, Leah

16. Whenever they are together: Sammi, Samuel, Sam

17. A new game, "Take Grandma's phone for selfie pictures."

18. last night before John's family went home.

19. Susan and A. Anne came up for Father's day weekend.
Helping Joe and Tesha build the new firepit.

20. Peter's T-shirt picture: Olivia, Katrina & Bekah
with Peter and Tammy in the back taken on our deck.

21. Such a view from our deck. Elise, Catharine, Sammi

22. We had cousin Mark and Suzie come for dinner when Susan
and A. Anne were here. I brought out the china!
Dad, Mark & Suzie Leatham, A. Anne, Susan

23. Chloe, Ben and Zach. These three along with Suzie
had so much fun and stayed overnight at Joes several time.
 24. Playing with the magnets and Levi showing how the
magnet will stick to his head! (He just had surgery the
a few days before they came.)

25. They reenacted Star Wars or Lord of the Rings poster.
I can't remember. Someone will have to tell me and
I'll fix it. 

26. Deer. The game that goes on living forever here.
Joe and Paul both played with them all.

27. Hudson and Catharine played and had such a good time.

28. The fire pit was a work of art. 
Joe and Tesha have worked so hard to host
the family reunion. Many happy hours around
the new firepit.

29. I can finally hang the picture painted by my dear
cousin Barbara of the the Salt Lake Temple.

30, The reunion beings! The fire pit worked great.

31. The trees are finally providing shade 

32. Noelle meets little William John

33. Saturday morning crepes made by Joe & Tesha.
They cook them on a griddle and cut them in half. There
were tons of things to put on and in. They used 36 eggs to
make them all.

34. We played games in every corner of the house you
could imagine. We were all divided into 4 groups, each with
a color. It didn't matter who we played with, we earned a 
point for our team. Games were going steadily all day.
We had so much fun both Friday and Saturday!

35. Tesha, Jeffrey, Dad, Zach, and Caleb. I think this
is my new favorite card game. Texas Showdown.
36.  Kaden, Val and Hudson. Me, Caleb and Mallory were also playing.
37. Dusty and Jeffrey

38. A place I hadn't thought of to play. Down the first landing:
Leah, Catharine and Amelia

39. Ticket to ride in the Harry Potter room:
Elise, Christian, Noelle, Mallory (I think), and Nikki.
Christian came with Noelle. It was very fun to get to
know him. (Even though he was king in the scum game)
40.  Daniel and Dad fixing lunch - Ham and cheese sliders.
 Lunch time

41. Afternoon scavenger hunt and water games.

42. So, I've never seen this new invention. More than 30
water balloon are being filled and then automatically come
off the filler and are tied with the rubber band.
It was brilliant. Christian filling and Suzie watching and Mike

43. We had ice cream all through the reunion. And yes,
it was enjoyed as much as little Michael enjoyed his.

We had a great time. It was a first to have it in our
new home, but first in troubled times. The Corona Virus
did prevent all of us getting together, so there were some 
games and activities on line provided by David and Amanda.
We do live in a troubled time - riots, pandemic-temples closed, etc.
I was reading a lecture given by Hugh Nibley in a Pearl of Great
Price lecture series. I'm ready for Matthew 24. He reminded us that
no one knows the exact time and it's important to "watch." The important
thing is to act as if the Lord were coming all the time. My favorite part:

"Behave toward your fellowmen in a manner the Lord would have you if 
He were here Himself in Zion."

That is my message. Find peace in the Savior that He is in charge and will
come. We are to treat ALL our fellowmen as the Lord would have.
I love you all.