Tuesday, May 19, 2020

April 2020 written in May

1. It's been a great spring. The house continues
toward completion and the yard and garden
have never looked so great.
Tesha made this and it was a work of art.
Filled with veggies we had quite the feast.

2. Spring. Everyone has been outside enjoying
the great weather and working in the yard. The large
garden had been added to for a strawberry patch
and watermelon patch.

3. Joe's family has been on some great,
local hikes. They have a hobby of rock
collecting and found some great ones!

4. Daniel and Ellen bought a home and we
helped them clean and paint it so it was ready
to move in. Thanks to family for the moving day!

5. John and Caleb. This was during the
COVID 19 pandemic and quarantine.

6. Moving Grandma Capener's piano.

7. It was Caleb's birthday, so we celebrated with
pizza, drinks, and Twinkies for a "birthday cake."

8. The mama cat had kittens. The kids liked
to carry them around in their shirts.

9. This pandemic has given us all more family time.
In a way, it really has been nice. Here is Joe "working"
hard with family around. Sometimes he would come
downstairs when he needed quiet time.

10. We were refinishing the table that I grew up with to
have it in our new home. Under the table I had
written my on it. Now we know where it comes from.

11. Chris brought over his Fooseball table to put in our
unfinished basement. The kids have already had a great
time with it. One the other end of the basement is all
the food storage buckets and cans. We can't figure out where
we put it all. There are about 150 buckets. 

12. Less Wheatley (Val's dad) did our cabinets. They are
so beautiful. Jeffrey and Dusty helped install them.

13. Tesha has her tomato plants covered from the cold.

14. The outside of our house. We debated on whether to
have the rock, but we're very happy with it. 

15.  Back of the house. It sure looks big from the back.
I'm glad the basement is so high and has tons of light.

16. Dad's teserac light fixture in the front hall.

17. My big brother Paul also signed his name.

18. Catharine's birthday. She's four years old.

The last two months have gone by fast even though
we've been quarantined to the house. I'm glad we had
some little kids to be with and then Zander and Amelia came
to play also. Think back on the things we've learned from
this pandemic. It wasn't too bad, because we could still go
to the store. Stock up what you needed, because I don't think
it will be the last time we will be in need. Feel free to come and
get some of our buckets of wheat or flour. I would also add
milk to that, but I'm saving it for pigs if we ever get any.
Remember who is in charge. There are things that will come
to pass in these latter days that will be hard, but we know the
ending. One talk I listened to said, "Put your seat belts and hold
on to your principles." 
I promise you there truly is peace in the Savior.  

March 2020 blog written in May

Two strikes against me. I'm doing this in May
and my March 2020 Blog Album in Google photos
won't all upload. The photos will be out of order, but here goes:

1. The Zoom meetings during the quarantine have been 
great. This is Alaina playing during the instrument
recital we had. Thanks for all the talent

2. Catharine will soon be four. I was working at the
table and she wanted to do a 100 piece puzzle.
I gave her a few hints and with very little help
she did it. She stayed with it for over an hour.
Don't believe it when they say small children don't
have long attention spans. It just has to be something they like.

3. Gabe, Tom & Mel's son. I love keeping in
touch through face time.

4. It's great to have Joe's family so close. They are
right upstairs. We get to go celebrate with them.
This is Leah's 6th birthday. She love TJ Masks, and she got
all four of them. They sure had a good time.

5. Picture of a Zoom meeting.

6. Joe and Tesha have worked hard to get repairs done
on the Castle. They fixed the wall and built a safer
staircase. They also brought in some sand.
This is looking forward to the family reunion.

7. Grandma Jensen's lemon cake with the best sauce on
top. We've been working a little bit on it with mostly A. Robinette
to put together her cookbook again. The cost is will be $3.75. We
added some pictures and short article in with the recipes.

8. We ate a bag of raspberries before we went out to prune
them. It was good to be reminded of how yummy they are.

11.  First cookout of the season. It was a beautiful day.

12. When going through pictures and things, it is
amazing what we find that we've forgotten about.
Here is the cutest Valentine card from Emily & Rob
with Marri and Soffie. Such cute little girls.

13. When landfill was brought from the 8-plex down
the road, we had them drop extra. The kids have
had a ball in this GREAT BIG sandpile.

14. At the beginning of the month, Zander had his Grandparents day.
It was so fun to go and watch his program, eat with him, and see room.
We were babysitting Luke, so he came with us.

15. Luke, Grandpa, Zander, Grandma

16. Zander at his desk.

17. Grandpa, Sophie, and Grandma. We went to see her
in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat. It
was such an amazing production. We came a few days later
and brought Bekah, Mallory, Katrina and Isaac to see it also.

18. Mallory, Sophie, Bekah, & Katrina.

19. Grandparents day with Ben. He loved showing
us around the school.

20. Rob came up to speak to the SUP in Brigham City
and brought Cecily with him. It was great to hear
his lecture.

21. I love reading Dick and Jane with beginning
readers. This is me and Leah having a great time
reading and laughing with the stories.

22. I was pruning and Catharine came out to help. She
worked with me for over an hour. We'd trade off cutting
and gathering the canes.

I haven't posted for a long time. I am actually over at
Ellen's watching the boys while she and Daniel are at the
hospital. Little baby William John joined our family this
morning (May 19, 2020) at 7:45 this morning. I'm filled
with great gratitude to Heavenly Father for all the blessings
He has given us. I have had such a happy life, and I hope
to still have many more years. I love you all.