1. Better picture of Bekah and Olivia's play with
Tammy in the middle. I think we could form a
screen writer's team within our family!
Dad and I went to MHA with Rob and Emily in Salt Lake.
We had a wonderful time going on a tour on Thursday
with classes on Friday and Dad went Saturday also.
2. This is Sophia and I on a tour to Gilgal Garden. It is
very different and I think everyone has a different
experience. The monument to the Priesthood was my
favorite. This is the arch with Jesus Christ represented
by the large rock in the center.
3. Even the roses as you enter were very different.
This is Sofie by the different colored roses. They
(the roses and Sophie) are beautiful.
4. This is Wood museum. You can only see it by appointment.
Wilford Wood was a taxidermist by trade and a collector
of Mormon historical artifacts by passion. I didn't
even know it existed. It would be great to do as a family
some time, although Rob has a very hard time seeing such
rare items in such "unsafe" circumstances. It was crazy.
This is the outside going in. When the door was opened
your could smell the musty air.
5. The inside. I can't even begin to tell you of all the things
he collected and purchased for the church. He woke up
one morning and told his wife he needed to go to Kirtland
to buy the Newel K Whitney store, and he did.
6. Joseph and Hyrum's death masks. They look like
the ones I got for Grandpa.
7. Out back in the garden was a replica of this staue
of the Angel Moroni giving the plates to Joseph Smith.
It was a life-size statue.
It was a life-size statue.
8. They had three alters from the 1840's. Pres. Hinckley
asked Brother Wood if the church restored one of them,
could he announce from it when the church indexed the
1849 census.
9. The room just after this had a copy of the Book of
Mormon in its signature form. Each large sheet
of paper was printed the right way so when it was folded it
would be in the correct way to bind the book. He had lined the
of paper was printed the right way so when it was folded it
would be in the correct way to bind the book. He had lined the
whole room with sheets of it and then covered
it with clear plastic. He said you could read the Book of Mormon
from the wall as long as you could read upside down, etc.
Brother Wood's grandson was
from the wall as long as you could read upside down, etc.
Brother Wood's grandson was
the tour guide and he told so many amazing stories.
10. This is William Clayton's organ he brought
across the plains. He asked if anyone could play
Come, Come Ye Saints, and immediately someone volunteered.
We all sang the hymn accompanied by the organ
that came across the plains.
It was truly a walk back in time.
11. Rob visiting with others. It's always
great to see our sons among their peers at work.
It doesn't happen very often.
12. We are celebrating Tesha's birthday.
13. Tesha's Mom got a pickle ball set and it fit perfect
on our basketball court. Everyone had a great time.
14. U. Bill and A. Robinette and us at Golden Spike.
She had never been and always wanted to go. We
had a great time with them. We hope to be able
to spend more time with siblings now that so many
of them are retired.
15. In front of the Salt Lake Temple so we could send
a picture to Audrey for her birthday. All she wanted
was pictures of family going to the temple.
Lacey & Paul put together a beautiful slide show
of pictures from a lot of different temples and people.
16. We had a kids day with Tom, Joe and Ryan's family.
Ryan came home from the hospital so we had them come
and play. They really had a lot of fun.
We've seen miracles with Ryan's healing. He has
been through a lot.
Max, Hudson (I think), Ben, suzie, Cam, Kaden
17. I took Taylor and Suzie to my sister Margaret's
Reflections concert. She was thrilled Suzie came.
18. Temple picture for Audrey's birthday. We took
Tammy and her girls, Mike & Dad and Tara's
older boys to Brigham City Temple. There wasn't
an appointment after ours, and they ended up
doing 75 baptisms.
19. My Mother's completed book. I can't wait
to give everyone their copy. It was quite a journey for me.
I learned a lot about her and her parents and grandparents.
We learn so much about our own life from those
who went before us. There is a stability and guidance
that doesn't come in any other way.
Remember the story of me throwing the ninetendo
out the window? (Not sure it's true) I almost did
throw my laptop out the window. It gave me such grief.
20. We loved teaching Charles Riotte when we were on our
mission here in Fielding, but he never did get baptized.
His parents thought they were moving and kept postponing
it. He finally got baptized and we went to see him.
We were very happy for him and his family.
21. We've babysat Luke a bit more with the play.
We took him to Logan with us and picked up
Daniel and Ellen. It's almost like starting out
all over again with a new crop of small Grandchildren.
They are keeping us very young!
Luke drinking his Gossner's milk.
Luke drinking his Gossner's milk.
22. Sam drinking his Gosner's milk.
23. Spending time with Daniel and Ellen.
24. We took Caleb and his friend Jett along with
Dusty and Jeffrey to BC temple. I had so many male
names to do, so we got them done. We had the
last six female names, so I got baptized for them.
I hadn't done baptisms for a long time. It really
was a wonderful experience.
25. Caleb and Jett at Peach City afterwards.
26. Caleb, Mia, Zander, and Luke. They were having so
much fun together on the trampoline I just had to take a picture.
It's been another wonderful month. It's been a trial
with Ryan and Robert's health, but a peace behind it.
Amanda shared a thought with me from their conference.
"Life is filled with trials, but it's not the trial that is
as important as who we look to during that trial." I'm
sure that's not an exact quote, but the idea is the same.
I've thought a lot about it. Life is quite a journey and
no one escapes their own personal trials and experiences.
It's part of life. But it's whether we turn to the Lord
or figure we can do it on our own that is the real test of life.
He lives and is there for each one of us.