Short post this month, because I've been taking pictures
for the card game. AND this blog won't have the pie fest in.
I'm going to publish all my blogs from last year into a
book, but I'm not getting one for everyone because we
did something different. If you want to buy one, I can order it.
Here we go with November:
1. Tristi, A. Silvia's daughter, oldest son got baptized. It was
great to go be with and celebrate their day. When A. Silvia had their
car accident, I sat with little 4 year old Tristi at Primary Children's
because Silvia was in Southern Utah with other kids.
2. Peter and Tammy hosted our monthly FHE. We had a
great time with food, fun, and visiting. A profound lesson
for me came from Zander during the ABC gratitude game. Zander
was given the letter "M" and he said, "Moment." I've thought
about that a lot. I can take a "moment" no matter how busy
I think I am, and pause to be grateful, or feel peace, or say
thank you, or I love you. It all takes only a moment.
3. Play practice has kept us all busy in November. Chris, Joe
and Ellen's families, us, and Bekah all tried out for "Best
Christmas Pageant Ever" and U. Marc directs. Here are
a few pictures from practice: Notes, Angels getting instructions,
Bekah & Ellen, angel Me'ia.
before they began building. The weather was really good,
and I think they had to go elsewhere. There is a lot going on.
5. I've been taking a lot of pictures this month for the game.
Pictures of people and pictures of pictures. Thank you so much
for all of you sending me pictures. It has been worth it just
to receive so many updated pictures. It's been an emotional
time to really take a look at all of our posterity. We are so
very grateful and feel so blessed to have each one of you in our
family. Looking back on this year, we've had some pretty
wonderful times together as we've gathered. This is Joe's family.
6. We also went to Ryan's and got their family pictures.
They will be on the cards, but this one I had to take of
Jeffrey and HIS car. I can't believe that age group are
all practicing driving to get a licence when they turn 16.
It's an older Mustang of his grandmother's. It's such
a dream car for a teenage boy. Needless to say, he's
pretty excited about it!
7. It's also been fun to get shared Google albums from some
of you. Joe used to send us his each month. Paul is sending
us pictures he sends to Audrey. It's really a miracle how
pictures can be shared now. This is Levi with his
new glasses!
8. I can't remember a winter that we've had this much
snow in November in the course of one or two storms.
It kind of messed up Thanksgiving traveling, but
not too bad. The kids have had a ball in this deep snow.
Zander, Joe, Catharine, and Zach. They are on the trampoline
clearing the snow off. We usually wait until after the
pie fest to do it, but not this year! The next picture is Leah
and Me'ia on the sled going down the hill out back.
9. More building. It's in the back looking toward the west.
10. Daniel and Joe are the fireman for the play. When
all the shepherds and angels have to leave because of the
fire, it it quite the scene. Only in a play directed by
U. Marc would this happen. There is a total of 65 in
the cast, which includes Cast A and Cast B.
I know it will be worth your time to come and see it.
Make reservations by calling 435-458-2276.
anything more that I want than your joy and happiness.
I'm so thankful to my Father in Heaven for all He has blessed
we with in this life. My life has and is full.
May we take time this holiday season to remember all the
blessing we have been given and ponder what we can
do to serve Him in our life.