Tuesday, July 3, 2018

May and June

It's July 3rd and we are in the airport waiting for our plane that was delayed 
for three hours. I guess this might be similar to a cruise. 
Here we sit and we can do whatever we want. We read a book
together, played Sudoku, went for a walk, didn't have any worries about home
but we lack the great food and sightseeing.
I decided to post in my blog.
As usual, we've been very busy the past two months.
We are so blessed to have such a great family.
We took Caleb with us to see Issac in Mulan. 
The play was wonderful and we had a great time.

We went to see Caleb get his Arrow of Light.
It brought back a lot of memories.

We all went down to see Cambria baptized.
It was such a wonderful day.
We're so proud of you Cam.

We then went to get Cierra and Darrin and took them
to the temple and out to dinner. We've been trying to
do this last August. It was a great day!
We went on an 'Anniversary' trip. We went
to Provo for a get away. We saw BYU museum.
It was interesting to see the Tiffany Glass.
Dick has my Grandmother Capener's 
Tiffany glass lamp. She surely had more artistic 
taste than I have. Lot's to learn and grow in.
Babysitting Luke and Samuel. He was great entertainment
for Luke.
Listening to Gabe read to me from Dick and Jane out on 
the patio that Tom made. It was great to soak in the sun.
We have been teaching Evie the baptism lessons
and she was baptized. Her mother was baptized 2 weeks later.
Daniel graduates from USU! It was a happy day.
Ellen was just as excited as Daniel.
He got a job offer today (July 3rd) with a company
in Providence. We're excited!!!

Luke waiting to get something good to eat.
I can't remember who it was that I got
this handy high chair holder to help little 
kids in high chairs, but it's been through a lot of you.
Baby Michael growing and changing every day.

We love to go and see Isaac and Scott play soccer.
Last year they were on the same team, but this
year they were playing against each other.
It was great. We could cheer both sides.
We went for a treat afterwards.

Jen's baptism two weeks after her daughter.
We sure love this family. We've been visiting and
teaching them for 1 1/2 years. It's been an amazing experience.

I lost Mallory's band concert picture. Maybe it
will pop up later. Here is Daniel and Ellen leaving
their USU apartment and coming to our basement.
We have loved having them with us.
Nikki came in for a visit just before we left for Calilfornia
to see Timmy baptized. It was so fun to have her come
down. I love this picture. Mallory and Nikki wanted
to make pizza. They are "throwing" their pizza crust up.
We had so much fun and the pizza was delicious.

On the way own to CA, we stopped at "The Valley of Fire"
north of Las Vegas. It really was amazing. I've
never seen so many rock formations. We only spent
a couple of hours, but it was well worth it.

We got to Ridgecrest in time to see John's
family in a home school talent show, and
the next night Danny had a piano recital.

Timmy gets baptized!!! It was a beautiful day.
Timmy had gotten some scriptures for his birthday
and he has read all the chapter headings in the Book of Mormon.
He loves his scriptures. He was so excited to get baptized
he was ready two hours early. 

They all love to play with legos. I was amazed at their
collections. The drawers hold different colors or some
have body parts, heads, etc. It was way cool

When they went to Lego Land they made a lego that
represented each one of them, including top center
which is their two little dogs.

Samuel and Grandpa mowing the lawn. Samuel has
loved playing outdoors. 

We babysat for David and Amanda for a an overnighter.
We had such a good time with all the kids.
It was great to get to know Eric and Jacoby better.
Grandpa playing with them on their new tramp.

Going on a walk with them.

Our first peas from the garden. It was wonderful to
have help from Tom's kids. We had a great time.
We have never had so many pie cherries. We actually
bottled 25 pints of pie cherries. We couldn't have
done it without Caleb's help. He picked, pitted, and helped
through the whole process. We even made
Cherry O'Cream pie.

We went down to see A. Janet and U. Ralph who
has been in the hospital. Susan was in for a YW Camp
in SLC and  drove up to meet us.

The rest of my pictures from the last few days aren't
here. We've been picking raspberries lately, and Daniel
and Samuel love it!! It's great for Dad to not have to
do so much picking. Thanks Daniel

It's 12:30 a.m. and soon our airplane will be here. End of cruise.
We're very excited to be moving Joe and Tesha and their
family back home. They have had a wonderful experience
out east and will miss it, but we are sure thrilled to have
them back closer.
We were released last Thursday from our mission. It has
been an amazing, rewarding, spiritual growth, and hard
time along with some of the most joyful. I feel like we have
had many experiences, but not shared them because we
didn't leave and go away. I have learned so much from this
mission. I have experienced the love Heavenly Father has
for each one of His children, I've seen him involved in
their lives and ready to bless them if they will reach out
to Him. We certainly are tired, though. It will be good
to spend more time with family. We're really looking
forward to that. 
We'll see you at the family reunion. I'm looking forward to it.