Saturday, January 6, 2018

Dec. to 6th of Jan. 2018

Mike surprised Dad with Krispy Kreme donuts
from the new Logan store. It just happened
to be the day to "Honor your parents" with the
Light the World activity
It for sure lit dad's face up!

 10th of December little Luke was blessed.
It was a beautiful day.
We're so thankful for Luke Feuz Jensen
It is so much fun to watch Mike and Emily become parents. 

Sue invited us to see "Voice Male" at Ellen Eccles
Theater in Logan. It's the first time we've seen it.
We took Caleb also and we had such a fun evening.

David's family came down on the 16th of December.
He got the Christmas decorations from the atic, we bought
a REAL Christmas tree, had Ryan & Val's kids come,
and we decorated Ginger Bread Houses.
It was a very fun and festive day.
Decorating houses (we had a lot of candy because
David brought his left over Halloween candy to add to
what we had.)
There's nothing like a little boy's face looking at candy.
I think this is Jacoby.
Hudson with his house.
Eric holding his.
(As long as the other was Jacoby.)

Group pictures with the finished houses.

This was the fullest, prettiest real tree
we've ever had.

Noelle's choir concert

Caleb's school play (back on the right)
Mallory and Jeffrey's band concert.
My camera just doesn't do well with far away pictures.
Christmas Eve in the afternoon. We decided to add
candy making to the list of activities.
Welcome home Josh.
Usually when I announce dinner everyone comes at once,
but we just couldn't stop listening to Josh's stories 
We were all glad to see him.

Luke's debut into theater as baby Jesus in our
family Christmas pageant. 

Josh is at the piano, Cierra is the angel with Mia,
Emily and Mike with little Luke and Samuel
played child Jesus for the Wise Men, Caleb & Daniel.

Christmas morning with Ellen and Daniel and a
very excited little Samuel.

A blanket to keep them warm.

The family Christmas party on the 26th.
We had a great time at Rob and Emily's. In fact, I was
having so much fun I didn't take very many pictures.
Those who have some, please post on the family web site.
Thank you for your contributions to the needy family.
We delivered them the money. I know it was much needed 
and put to good use. 
Downstairs video group.
Downstairs game group.

Taylor had her appendix out  We're very thankful it
went so well. We took their younger kids to the party.
On Friday we went and got the beef and delivered it
around. (No pictures) On the way back we brought
Tom's kids home for the rest of the weekend.
We decorated two houses that didn't get used the week before.
A read-a-thon on Saturday night.
We left for Arizona on Tuesday afternoon the 2nd.
The new Cedar City temple was so beautiful we
decided to drive up to see it.
Doesn't a baptism temple trip to Cedar City
and to see a play at the Shakespeare Festival
sound like a lot of fun? Let me know:) 
Dad by the cactus on the way down.
Yes, this is a random picture of Sammi and Nikki.
She is going to write about it:
"We were looking at grandmas pictures on her phone, 
(did you know that she has some from 1970). 
Sammi and I decided that we should take a picture 
to show our natural beauty."  
Our Arizona Elise from her high school swim pictures.

Baptism of Chloe

Audrey had spent 3 weeks at home. After the baptism,
she was riding home with Marv and Sheila back to Logan.
The last thing she had her dad do was braid her hair.
Nikki wants to say: "Hi everyone, I miss you all.
Please, please come and visit us, we are so lonely and not really boring.
 (My email is  Love Nikki"

It has been a wonderful holiday season. We have been so
blessed this past year. We continue to be very busy on our
mission. We meet and visit with so many people. We truly love
the people. The Lord is watching over each one individually
We witness this so much. As we turn to Him, His arms are open.

In Luke's blessing, Mike told him to "feel the support from others
both here and in heaven." I can bear testimony that is very real.
Paul told Chloe to "be comfortable with the Holy Ghost and
learn to listen to Him." It'as good advice to all of us.
I thank Heavenly Father for all
the blessings He's poured out upon our family this past year,
and I know many more will come this upcoming year. We are
very thankful for the three new babies coming to our family
with Ellen, Mel, and Tesha having a baby.

We are very thankful for all of you and love you with all our hearts.