Here is most of December
1. Mia having fun in Grandma's new sink
The pictures are not necessarily in order of when they happened.
2. This picture is January 4th
We were in Logan all day to a meeting. The road between
Logan and Riverside was terrible. When we got home, we
pulled into the driveway right into a 4 foot drift.
Yup, we are snowed in and it's ok - got hot chocolate:)
3. December 31st-Peter teaching Samuel to scratch his belly. Poor Ellen.
4. New Year's Eve diner, since we had to cancel
Christmas Eve because we were sick.
5. Cierra's gift.
6. We had Sarah Allred and her family for pizza &
games during the holidays. She is the one
we pixied. Thank you all. They had a
great Christmas, and she didn't find out who did the
pixing. It's good to know we can still do it:)
7. Games on New Year's Eve
8. Christmas Day - We were still both not feeling too great
and not wanting to spread it. It was fun this year because
the Cub's won the World Series - A shirt, cards, and a hat.
9. Uncle Bill's son Adam was married on December 20th.
They are a very cute couple. She seems very nice.
They are a very cute couple. She seems very nice.
10. U. Marc and Dad.
11. Who's teaching who to stick out their tongue?
Ellen is holding Samuel & Mike is encouraging.
12. Family Christmas party with the grandkids
exchanging white elephant gifts. It was very fun.
I love seeing our grandchildren having a great time with each other.
I love seeing our grandchildren having a great time with each other.
13, The kids loved to copy/encourage Samuel
14. Small groups playing games with each other.
15. Dad with Daniel & Ellen made deviled eggs.
16. Watching Josh perform with Color Guard on the 17th.
17. Part of the family Christmas party was to see
"The Best Christmas Pageant Ever."
Chris was the minister, Noelle was Imogine, Mallory
was one of the Herman's also. Caleb was one
of the kids. It was fun to watch them.
They all such a good job.
18. Mia reading to me when I babysat her this month.
It's been a very busy and wonderful month.
It's probably the quietest Christmas we've ever had.
Dad did test out as having Influenza A. It took several
days to get over, and even more to get our strength back.
We love you and it's been so good to see you. We love our mission.
We are learning so much. We live in a society where
the current thought is: "Do whatever you feel like because
there are no consequences."
Even though that may seem to work in the beginning,
we are visiting those who later in life have suffered
many consequences and are trying to find joy again.
The beauty of the gospel of Jesus Christ is that
He loves each of us individually and has His hands
stretched out to us always.
In Him we find true and complete peace & joy.