Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Beautiful Fall, Canning, Advice from the Depression

Days Filled with Variety
1. I had a wonderful drive with Dick Capener. He took me around in his pick-up truck
around to all the farms our Grandfather owned and U. Lee and Daddy.
This marks the spot where Aaron (ours) and Alfred (Lynn's) Grandfathers first
bought in Riverside. 

2. They divided it up between the two of them, so Alfred's descendants got 80 acres and Aaron's
got 80 acres. It's still that way today.
Here is the divided piece. Alfred's is in corn and Aaron's is in hay.
Of course there is much more, but that will be in the history.

3. Off to Caleb's soccer game. It was so fun to watch.

4. Zander watched also.

5. They burned down U. Lee's house Saturday morning. This was on the first piece of irrigated farm
that Grandpa and Grandma purchased. They built their home on it. 
Rob and Emily lived in this home and they can tell you some good stories
about noises at night.
It made me sad. It was only 150 years old. U. Lee refused to put any money
into the home to keep it in repair. There was nothing else that could be done.

6. Yes, more canning of tomatoes.

7. Daniel's first experience at canning. He was great help.

8. So what do you do when the jars are full and there is just a little left?
Dad knew what to do. Much more impressive chugging from a pressure cooker than a gallon jug.

9. We went over to Nibley at Aunt Silvia's new home for Women's conference.
It was so fun. We had finger food and we watched it on their . . .

home theater. Sorry, I didn't take any pictures while it was on.
Conference was amazing. Even if you can only hear the opening song
and the first speaker, well, add Pres. Uchtdorf's also.

10. We had a birthday party for Mike on Sunday afternoon. It was a lot of
fun, but we missed Suzy, so happy birthday to her also.

11. Some great bonding time with Colleen and Mia. Colleen got some paint on sale,
and we had a wonderful conversation while we painted both doors a welcome yellow.
Thanks Colleen!

12. Question - "When do we get together that we don't have a skit?"
Answer - "Never" 

13. Had a wonderful visit with A. Janet. She had this picture I have never seen and I
brought home 2 binders of letters written to Daddy and or Mother. I am learning so much,
but it will be a big project. Daddy is on the lower left, and we think U. Jex is the top right.

14. Pictures from babysitting at Tom's. Of course, I forgot to take pictures
until the very end. I love to play Zingo with the kids.

15. We read "If you Give a Moose a Muffin," so we made the muffins that came
with the story. They actually turned out really good.

We had cut up apples with a little caramel dip. Colleen had the best recipe
for homemade caramel, so here it is:
1/2 c. butter, 1 1/2 c. brown sugar, 3/4 c. corn syrup, 1 can sweetened condensed milk.
Melt butter and add everything but vanilla. Bring to a light boil.
Remove from heat and add 1 tsp. vanilla.
Cool it down and it's just right for dipping apples. I put it in the fridge and it gets harder.

Here is some advice from Grandpa Joseph Aaron R. Capener given to my Daddy and Mother
in 1932 during the depression. It holds for today also. Plain, simple, and true:

"Well be good and keep smiling the hard times will not always last, the main thing to do is the best you can and the Lord will take care of you."

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Family Gatherings, Canning. September, HS Dance, 2015

Thursday after the temple
1. We went to at A. Janet's and Dad picked 3 bushel of tomatoes while I had a wonderful visit.
Then we went to Rob's to take David his tomatoes.
Rob's girls were babysitting the twins while David and Amanda went to the temple.
Steven and family were also there and so was Kate.
Marri, Sophie, Kate and I went to JoAnne's shopping. We had a 
spontaneous shopping for pillow case material trip. 
Great Night!

Friday (Temple closed for Peach Days)
2. We ended up doing about 60 quarts worth of Salsa from the nice
Roma tomatoes from Tim's garden.
(This is just the beginning)

3. We went to the temple with Kenny and Darcy in the morning and
At night we hosted Josh and his date group to a turkey steak dinner

4. Josh and his date are on the left

5. Sunday we went to dinner with A. Silvia
Monday we picked 7 bushel of tomatoes with Colleen and kids
Wednesday, Thursday night and Friday night we did 7 bushel of tomatoes.
Completely lost track of how much we did, but it was a lot!
Dad took this picture of a big hawk on the swing set. It was cool to see, 
but I don't want him near my chickens who are giving about 10 eggs a day.

6. Darcy and Kenny

7. After the wedding on Saturday, I took Ellen shopping for maternity clothes.
It was so fun. She is prepared now!
She is ready for that baby to grow.

8. We went to a High Priest Dinner that night. It was our date:)
This quote was on the table where we sat:
"FAMILY, like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions 
yet our roots remain as one."
And we have strong roots.

9. We skyped with Joe and his family today. This is a picture of the computer
while Ben is telling us what he learned at home school.
He's telling about the capasitors and resisters from taking a TV apart.
They took of the Fresnel lens to use for solar cooking.

10. Saying good-bye.

We had a very busy week canning, but a good week.
I have heard a lot of sealing ceremonies, but this one was exceptionally good.
He didn't give any marital advice, it was all about the temple and covenants they
had just made. I learned so much. We have many more blessings
and promises than we can even begin to understand.
You all know U. Ralph and how quiet he is. He doesn't show much emotion, but he loves deeply.
I know Daddy and Mother were there. When I went to give Ralph a hug after
hugging Kenny and Darcy, tears were running down his checks. 
It was such a spiritual experience.

The Plan of Salvation is so simple and so profound and deep.
The temple blessings are so powerful - with real power and authority to meet
life's challenges and bring us such peace.

I know Heavenly Father lives and is ready to shower us with blessings. He
has promised us, if we will accept those blessings and learn of Him.

I love you all very much.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Watching Pressure Cookers

Blogging while keeping an eye on the cookers

After all the pictures last week, I forgot to take pictures this week, so it will
be short, but it was surely busy.

Elder James (our favorite Elder) came over for dinner. He is going to USU.
It was so good to see him and reminisce, and Cierra came too. Yes, he asked for
her phone number and you will have to get other details from her or Colleen.
Was going to have her take a picture of us, but she went to work and I forgot.

We picked 2 1/2 bushel of tomatoes and did 42 quarts of juice.
Now my tomato shelf isn't quite so bare, but we need to do that much again.
Sorry, no pictures.

We went to Salt Lake all day. We met up with my cousin Colleen Clifford and her husband Ken. They are the ones we stayed with when we went to England because they were on their mission.
Our friend that we met in England, John Barnsley was in from England and so we had a good visit.
Highlight of the day was taking Rob to lunch while we all heard about his 
new book. I can't believe I didn't take pictures. Thank again, Rob. We all loved it.

We finished up some pears from last week tomatoes and had a ward party at
Riverside Park. We are starting to get to know people.

We were at the temple and stayed after to do a ton of sealings. Wonderful night.
We did a double shift at the temple, but they were good to us and we were home by 8:30.
We went to Tom's and Dad helped him lay the laminate floor in the front room, and I painted the front door. Imagine them, because it really looked nice. Can't believe I didn't take pictures.
We relaxed and I finally started working of Daddy's history.
Now I have a few pictures
Labor Day
When I was younger, we were hauling hay on Labor Day and I asked my brother Paul
why we celebrate Labor Day. He said it should be the hardest day of the year that you work.
I guess it stuck. 1. Here we are picking tomatoes with David, Amanda and family.
Last week the picking was fabulous, this week it was not good at all because there
were so many others who had picked and were picking.
The kids were a great help.

2. Our 6 month old twins! Eric on the left and Jacoby on the Right.

3. I forgot to take pictures the day of. We were too busy.
But this is the result - about 82 quarts of whole tomatoes. It went very fast with so 
many of us to help.

4. We really do have quite the production system. We did 28 quarts of soup for
about 20 dollars. That is a lot of good soup, and you can add meat or more veggies
or pasta when you open it for dinner - or nothing at all and it's still good.
Let me know if you want to come and can some. I'm in the canning mood still.

I love you all. It feels good to get so much food canned.
Really, let me know if you want/need to come here to can. 
BTW - we have a regular pumpkin/squash patch. We have never
grown so many pumpkins ever.

So come and get pumpkins and squash and help put the garden
down for the winter. (Not sure of when we will do this last part.)
Don't forget we have new phone numbers. I sent them in an email.

Feel the beauty and bounty of this fall season. I'm so very thankful to Heavenly Father
for all He has blessed us with.